Praise from VIPs

 Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.recipient of the AMA’s Pride In The Profession Award for innovating a school of psychology based on attitude and author of Love is Letting Go of Fear.

In my opinion, there is no one better qualified to offer you a solution to stress that can pave the way to a powerful brain to lift your life even higher. Take my word for it: you are in very  good hands.

Grete Eliassen, Olympian, medalist at the Winter X Games, and President of the Women’s Sports Foundation

I love reading self-help books, but I have trouble finishing them because I fall asleep. Not the case with my favorite, Don Joseph Goewey’ s book on handling stress. I really like it.

 Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., UCLA Center for Culture, Brain, and Development, author of The Mindful Brain and Mindsight, and director of the Mindsight Institute.

In (his book), neuroscience, psychology and spirituality find a common home, offering a place to come in from a hectic life. It presents an intriguing approach to transforming a disconnected way of living with stress into a richer, more integrated way of being.

Larry Stupski, former president of the Charles Schwab Corporation.

Mysticism for the scientist; science for the mystic — Don Goewey puts it all together to unlock our potential for peace.

John Assaraf, author of The Complete Vision Board Kit and The Answer, featured teacher in The Secret, and CEO of OneCoach.

I love the neuroscience and the way Don Goewey has put it together in laymen’s terms. He shows us how to live the attitude that builds a powerful brain, so we can succeed at what really matters to us. It is absolutely excellent.

Richard Weintraub, Ph.D. , director of the Professional Development Bureau, Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department

The principles and concepts contained in Goewey’s work are all part of a training program Don Goewey has presented at Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Department. My employees and I have found real value with his approach to transcending stress and actualizing more of our innate potential to succeed in life.    

Kate Siber, journalist, contributing writer for the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and Outside Magazine.

Outside Magazine had me take Don’s coaching course and then write about it for the annual health issue.  I was stressed with the usual problems and deadlines of a journalist and skeptical that his course could possibly work. Three weeks into my effort, I’d become faster at recognizing troubling thoughts and much better at maintaining a calm, pragmatic mind-set. It was easier to solve problems, which made them less stressful. Even my stomachaches disappeared.